About Us

Here at Good Condition Lincoln we are pleased to present a warm welcome to our clients who are looking to stay fit and healthy with a quality of life outlook. We are considered to be Lincoln’s premier fitness and remedial centre and due to our predominantly professional client base, are now a great networking hub.
Deep Tissue Massage

Our Vision
A perfect environment

We are on hand to cater to your fitness requirements, from weight management to injury rehabilitation, with emphasis on realistic goals, without the normal fuss or embarrassment of having crowds of gym members around you.

Complete privacy during your visits is of utmost importance and so we have incorporated 2 personal training studios, 2 treatment rooms, changing room and shower facilities for your use.
Client Satisfaction
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Focus on You

Our Mission
Care For You

When visiting Good Condition, we guarantee you’ll be happy with your experience, as we keep you motivated and interested in all things fitness. Think of us as your very own hotel for getting in great shape.

Whether you need to lose weight, improve your body shape or simply get off the couch and get mobile again – we simply ask that you drop by and see us for a free consultation.

Our clients value their health and fitness and in turn their families, friends and colleagues.

We ask that you enjoy your visits and allow us to assist, motivate, educate and inspire you towards a healthier body.

Our Team

Dedicated To You!
tristan lowe personal trainer stood infront of computer

Tristan Lowe


I opened Good Condition in September 2010 with a goal of providing an exciting fitness and remedial centre to Lincoln’s professionals and healthy minded alike. Having worked in customer services in London and Nottinghamshire since 1987 and participating in sports from the age of 11, I decided to combine both attributes by studying for my diplomas in personal training and sports massage therapy at Premier international school in Nottingham 2008. Having completed my courses I gave myself a 2 year timeline to gain valuable experience working at various health clubs and drawing inspiration from the clients I trained. The ‘lightbulb moment’ came in June 2010, “let’s build a private fitness and sports massage centre in Lincoln..!!!


Contact Us

01522 525 250
